合理使用是著作权法实现创作者、传播者和使用者权利平衡的一项重要制度。因此 ,在适用这项制度过程中 ,不能任意地 ,无原则地扩大或缩小合理使用的范围 ,过于强调或是轻易忽略任何一方利益 ,否则都将导致利益失衡 ,最终阻碍科学文化事业的发展和繁荣。
Fair use in copyright law is an important system which aims to balance the interests among the author,the transmitter and the user.After analyzing the meaning of the fair use and the value of fairness and efficiency the system contains,the article discusses the defects in the legislature and propose how to change and perfect the existing rules.The interpretation and application of the principles of judging the fair use crucial in the judicial practice.The analyzing and judging should be based on the facts and the specific situation of the case and the discretion of the judge in this course is essential.
Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law