集邮是一项深受人们喜爱的高雅、健康的文化活动 ,是人类社会活动的一部分 ,具有广泛的群众性。在高校中积极倡导健康的集邮活动 ,能够促进素质教育的开展和校园精神文明建设 ,培养和提高学生的综合素质。为此 ,本文从几个方面进行了论述 ,并根据本院集邮活动的现状 。
s: Stamp collection is a graceful, healthy, cultural activity which is deeply loved by mass, and is a part of social activities of human beings. Advocating stamp collection activity in colleges can foster the development of quality education, the construction of spiritual civilization on campus and the training and improving students' general qualities. So, the article expresses , based on the college current situation of stamp collection, its own points of view from several aspects.
Journal of Weifang Educational College