银杏超小卷叶蛾PammeneginkgoicolaLiu在安徽黄山、九华山 1年发生 1代 ,以蛹在粗树皮内或树枝裂缝中越冬。该虫以幼虫蛀食短枝和当年生长枝嫩茎 ,翌年 4月上旬为成虫羽化期 ,4月上旬至 5月上旬达羽化高峰。 4月中旬为产卵盛期 ,4月上旬幼虫孵化 ,4月下旬孵化盛期 ,4月上旬至 5月底为幼虫为害期 ,5月下旬至 7月上旬幼虫全部钻入树皮。 5月份用 2 5 %溴氰菊酯乳油 3 0 0 0倍喷雾或用80 %敌敌畏 1 0 0 0倍液与 40 %氧化乐果 1 0 0 0倍液混合喷雾 ,防治效果 90 %左右。 6月中下旬用敌敌畏原液、氧化乐果、柴油按 1∶1 5∶3的比配成油雾剂喷洒树干 ,可有效地消灭害虫。
Pammene ginkgoicola Liu has one generation a year in Huangshan and Jiuhuashan,Anhui Province. Pupae spend the winter in thick barks or cracks of trees.Larvae infest short branches and tender stems in that year. And the beginning of April in the following year is the period of its maturation,and in May,they appeared to the height of the trees.The middle of April is the height of their occurrence. In the beginning of April,the papae are transformed and the later,coming to the height.From April to the late of May is the period of its injury to trees.And from May to July all the larvae bore into the stems of trees.Therefore,in May,we can use 2.5% (diluted by 3?000 times) or mix 80% DDV(diluted by 1?000 times) with 40% Omethoate (diluted by 1?000 times), the effect of protection is approximate 90%. In the late of June, we can mix DDV Omethoate,Diesel with 1∶1.5∶3 into oil mist to spray.So we can kill them effectively.
Entomological Knowledge