1MIT HST Higldights and History[DB/OL],http://hst.mit.edu/public/about/.
2Report of a Focused Visit to University of Michigan[DB/OL], http://www.umich.edu/%7Eprovost/slfstudy/pdf/accre dreport.pdf.
3Retreat on the Future of the Professoriat Committee on Interdisciplinarity Report and Recommendations [DB/OL],http://www.umich.edu/-provost/reports/rs_i.html.
4Joint (Divided) Appointments and Partial Appointments, The University Faculty Handbook [DB/OL], httpt/www.umich.edu/-provost/handbook/index.html.
6Interdisciplinary Research and Education: Preliminary Perspectives from the MIT Media Laboratory [DB/OL], http://pzweb.harvard.edu/Research/GoodWork/GoodWork13.pdf.
7Chubin, D E , Hackett, E J , Peerless Science: Peer Review and U S Science Policy [M]. New York: State University of New York Press, P.2.