Based on the preliminary investigation of the diseases of grape in Hami city, the authors found that the grape production had been seriously damaged by spike-stalk brown spot which had quickly spread in Hami city in recent years. It is one of the new diseases in the grape productuon area of our country. Some samples of spike-stalk from Hami city, China damaged by brown spot of grape were identified, which formerly was Alternaria viticola Brun. It mainly damaged young and tender spike~stalk tissue of grape fruit spike. The symptom in the fields always occurs on the last ten days of May~June. The germs which spread by wind and rain can survive winter on the surface of grape branches and tendrils or in the bud scale pieces, as conidiums. In the practical experiment the authors found that different varieties of grape are closely related to disease resistance of grape spike-stalk brown spot.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences