
植病生防木霉菌的RAPD分析 被引量:3

RAPD analysis of biocontrol isolates of trichoderma SPP.against plant diseases
摘要 对分离自不同植物根际的38株木霉菌菌株(包括哈茨木霉菌,绿色木霉菌,康宁木霉菌和绿木霉菌)进行了棉花立枯病盆栽防治试验以及用290条随机引物进行了RAPD分析。结果表明,38株木霉菌都能够降低病害严重度,按照防治效果的高低,38个菌株可以分为6个组。共有59条引物产生多态性扩增条带,根据UPGMA聚类分析,其中9条引物(S1,S42,S60,S122,S146,S147,S171,S180,S181)在防效最高的菌株中产生相近的与其他菌株不同的扩增条带,表明这RAPD技术可以用于本霉菌类生防菌株的筛选。 Thirty eight isolates of Trichoderma spp,including T.harzianum,T.viride,T.koningii and T.virens were tested in their efficacy for controlling Rhizoctonia solani damping-off of cotton in pot and were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA technique with 290 random primers.The results showed that 38 isolates were able to reduce the disease severity at different levels and were categorized into 6 groups based on their efficacy.Totally 59 primers generated polymorphism from genomic DNAs of Trichoderma spp.UPGMA(Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) analysis showed that 9 primers(S1,S42,S60,S122,S146,S147,S171,S180 and S181)were similar and unique amplification band patterns among isolates of highly efficacy.These results indicate that RAPD can be adopted in screening of biocontrol isolates of Trichoderma spp.
出处 《山东科学》 CAS 2004年第3期17-21,共5页 Shandong Science
关键词 木霉菌 生物防治 筛选 RAPD Trichoderma biological control screening RAPD
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