By one factor factorial experiment with complete randomization design the anti-body concentration in the chick body was repeatedly measured at different time points. With these data the injecting methods were evaluated with MNOVA (analysis of multi-variable variance). The following conclusions were obtained: (1) In the check group the antibody concentration fluctuated around 0.2~0.3 units during the measurement, for the anus and breast injection groups it increased exponentially at the first two weeks after initialization of the experiments then it fluctuated around 2 units. (2) According the outcome of MANOVA there was no statistical significantly difference in antibody concentration between the breast injection group and the anus injection group, but the concentration in both the groups was much higher than that in the check group, But which method is more preferable in practice should be decided by its operability. (3) With the mean estimates the difference test of the antibody concentration among the treatments was done through checking their 95% confidence interval. Except for the first measurement there was significant difference among the treatments. There was higher antibody concentration in the chicks in the anus and breast injection groups than htat in the check, but there was no significant difference between these two treatments. (4) The Bonferonni 95% confidence interval was used to simultaneously test the difference of antibody concentrations among these three groups of chicks. The outcome was a little different from the previous one. There was no statistically significant difference between the first two measurements. And there was significant difference among the other measurements. The anus and breast injection groups had statistically higher antibody concentration than the check, but these two methods produced almost similar results in the measurement of antibody concentrations statistically.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
oaccination injecting method
one factor factorial experiment with complete randomization design
repeated measurement