用地上露天小水泥池8个,进行杂交条纹鲈苗种培育试验,放养3日龄水花30 000尾,通过天然饵料、 藻粉投喂以及适当水质管理措施,经32天培育,共培育3.5—4.6 cm体长的鱼种4 336尾,最高成活率为19.1%, 最低为6%,平均为14.5%。
30 thousand 3-days-old larvae were stocked into 8 outdoor cement ponds, and fed with natural food as well as algae powder. The water quality was managed reasonably. After 32 days,4 336 fingerlings whose body-length was 3.5 - 4.6 cm were acquired. The highest survival rate was 19.1%, the lowest 6%, and 14.5% on average.
Shandong Fisheries