本文基于超大规模集成电路特征尺寸进入超深亚微米层次下的金属互连(Interconnects)特 性,研究并提出了布局布线优化步骤:局部布局和搜索提炼、轨道分配和搜索修补。并结合synopsys公 司的超深亚微米布局布线系统APOLLO-Ⅱ有效地解决了金属互连的拥挤和时序问题。
Based on the VDSM ULSI interconnect characteristics, This paper presents some optimization step in place and route flow, including Area Placement and Search & Refine.Track & Assign and Search&Repair .That intermediate steps integrated with Apolloll which is the VDSM place and route systems of Synopsys , can efficiently solve the interconnects challenges such as congestion and timing.
Electronics Quality