对嵌入式实时Web Server的网络任务活动特点进行了研究,将任务分为优先任务和普通任务两类,在此基础上利用M/M/1/K模型提出了保障优先任务接纳率的动态调度算法。该方法可以根据实时Web Server当前的任务量决定是否接纳普通任务,保证实时Web Server在优先任务安全运行的前提下,为网络中的其它客户开放资源。该算法已用于远程实验网站的任务调度(www.remot-lab.net)。
After researching the behavior properties of request on embedded real-time web server, all requests were divided into two classes: prior tasks and common tasks. Based on the classification, a new algorithm, which was titled as dynamic scheduling algorithm, was proposed under the M/M/1 /K queuing model in order to guarantee the prior tasks to be executed successfully. The algorithm could judge whether a common task would be put into the queue or not by the current situation of resource. Therefore prior tasks would be processed smoothly and safely. This algorithm has been adapted to schedule the tasks for remote experiment websit (www.remot-lab.net).
Computer Engineering and Design