
多普勒参数评价高血压病右心室功能的应用 被引量:1

Application of various Doppler parameters in evaluating right ventricular function of hypertension.
摘要 目的 探讨高血压病患者右心室功能的改变 ,比较不同多普勒参数评价高血压病右心室功能的价值。方法 采用脉冲及组织多普勒的方法对轻中度高血压病患者的右心室功能进行了评价。结果 高血压病早期右心室舒张功能即出现显著性改变 ,而收缩功能早期变化不明显。右心室舒张功能的改变要早于收缩功能的改变。结论 脉冲多普勒和组织多普勒均能准确评价高血压病右心室功能的变化 。 Objective To assess the right ventricular (RV) function changes of patients with hypertension and compare the values of the different parameters to evaluate the RV function.Methods RV systolic and diastolic functions were evaluated in 186 patients with mild, uncomplicated hypertension using pulsed-wave Doppler and tissue Doppler echocardiography. Sixty-eight normotensive patients without heart disease served as controls.Results There were significant changes in the RV diastolic function of the patients with hypertension, but the early changes of the RV systolic function were not obvious. The changes of the RV diastolic function of the patients with hypertension occurred earlier than that of the RV systolic function.Conclusion Both pulsed-wave Doppler and tissue Doppler echocardiography can accurately evaluate the changes in RV diastolic and systolic functions. Both of them have good consistency.
作者 初洪钢 孙彬
出处 《华中医学杂志》 2004年第4期221-222,224,共3页 Central China Medical Journal
关键词 多普勒参数 高血压 右心室功能 诊断 超声心动图 Hypertension Ventricular function,right Ultrason ography Doppler,pulse Tissue Doppler
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