目的 探讨自体心包管肺动脉移植在晚期肺癌外科治疗中的手术技巧和疗效。方法 对 8例Ⅲb期肺动脉干严重受累的肺癌患者采用自体心包管肺动脉移植术。结果 全组病例无手术死亡 ,肿瘤完整切除 ,术侧余肺血供良好 ,8例患者均临床痊愈。结论 自体心包管肺动脉移植避免了全肺切除 。
Objective To discuss the surgical techniques and the clinic effectiveness of using autologous pericardium as the pulmonary arterial(PA) substitute in the surgical treatment of advanced lung cancer.Methods Replacing PAs by pericardial conduits was carried out in 8 advanced lung cancer patients with PAs serious invaded. According to pTNM classification, all patients were in stage Ⅲb.Results There was no operative death. The tumors were complete resected in all cases. All pericardial conduits were unobstructed, and the conjoint lungs have normal blood supply. Conclusion This surgical procedure is a safe and effective technique as alternative to pneumonectomy. The clinic results are satisfactory.
Central China Medical Journal