索引:本文阐述了在 Window95/NT 平台下通过一种面向对象语言 VB 设计工控软件的原理和实例。在发酵罐控制软件编制过程中采用了面向对象的编制方法,通过 DAO(数据访问对象)建立与 Access 格式相同的本地数据库来完成对各罐监控值的记录和保存,控制人员则通过界面对加热反应罐运行进行监控。
INDEX:The article is about the theory and examples of developing heat energy e- quipment control system by using an Object-Oriented Programming language VB. The programmer use Object—Oriented method to develop this heat energy equip- ment control program andbuild local databasewhichformat is same to the AC- CESS to save the record of the heat energy equipment by using DAO(data aeeess ob- ject).The Controller use interface to in- specting the process of the heat energy e- quipment.
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information