Maple 与 Matlab 软件同属功能强大的科学计算软件。本文将 Maple 语言的强解析性与 Matlab 语言的高性能计算特性相结合,用于无源滤波装置静态参数的设计。仿真与计算结果表明,将 Maple与 Matlab 语言的优点相结合,将其应用于工程实际的分析中是完全可行的。
Maple and Matlab are the software that plays the important part in the calculation science.In this paper the strong analytical function of Maple is combined with the efficient numerical calculation of Matlab in order to design the static parameters of the passive power filter of the electric arc furnace.The simulation and calculation result show that it's feasible to design and analyze the actual engineering by combining the Maple with Matlab.
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Information