目的:探讨羊膜移植应用于兔眼穿透性滤过手术手术区细胞病理学变化特点。方法:选取科研用白色家兔20只,双眼行穿透性滤过手术,术中将羊膜上皮面朝外折叠成双层植入于浅层巩膜瓣下。于术后不同时间点观察巩膜滤过道内细胞病理学改变。结果:实验组术后1wk手术区大量炎细胞,随后炎细胞数量减少,并有少量杆状核细胞出现,术后3wk炎症反应达最高峰,随后炎细胞数量再次减少,术后8wk羊膜完全溶解,滤过道内仅存少量异物巨细胞,并于术后12wk完全消失,滤过道保持开放。在整个实验观察过程中,实验组手术区成纤维细胞数量无明显变化(P >0.05),但与对照组相比较有明显统计学差异(P <0.05)。结论:羊膜植片在术后8wk完全溶解。在实验动物中将羊膜应用于穿透性滤过手术可明显抑制成纤维细胞增殖,保持滤过道开放。
AIM: To explore the significant actions of amnion implant after trabeculectomy in rabbit eyes. · METHODS: Glycerin preserved amnion membrane folded with epithelium outside were surgically put under the scleral flaps of 20 rabbits' eyes during the experimental trabeculectomy procedures. HE staining, light microscope and micro-photo analysis technique were applied to observe the cytological and histopathologic characteristics in the filtering tunnels.· RESULTS: In Experimental Group, at the first week post-operatively, amnion membrane absorption started with inflammatory characteristics. The peak of inflammatory reaction occurred 3wk after operation post-operatively and all the cells in the filtrating tunnel disappeared 12wk after surgery. Fibroblast proliferation started 2wk after surgery with no statistical change during the time course (P >0.05). The fibroblast proliferation in Control Group occurred at 1wk and the filtrating tunnel closed with angiogenesis at 3wk after surgery. Significant statistical differences were observed by comparing the fibroblasts numbers per unit area in the filtrating tunnel in Experimental Group and those in Control Groups (P <0.05). · CONCLUSION: Amnion membrane was totally absorbed at 8wk post-operatively. The amnion implant can inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts and keep the filtrating pathway open in the experimental trabeculectomy animal models.·
International Eye Science