目的 分析Dukes’B、C期大肠癌DNA倍体及DNA指数 (DI)与临床病理学特征间的关系。 方法 本研究为随机前瞻性研究 ,应用FCM分析新鲜肿瘤的DNA含量 ,分析DNA倍体及DI ,并比较DNA倍体类型与肿瘤的解剖部位、浸润深度、分化程度、淋巴结转移间的关系。同时 ,在异倍体肿瘤中 ,我们又按DI的大小分成DI≤ 1 4及DI >1 4两级 ,分别比较异倍体肿瘤的解剖部位、浸润深度、分化程度、淋巴结转移在这两级中的差异。 结果 在Dukes’B、C期单发性大肠癌中 ,相对于分化程度高、没有淋巴结转移的近端大肠癌 ,分化程度差、有淋巴结转移的远端大肠癌异倍体更为常见 (P =0 0 3 3 ,0 0 44 ,0 0 0 1)。在异倍体肿瘤中 ,分化程度高、没有淋巴结转移的近端肿瘤DI相对较小 ,分化程度差、有淋巴结转移的远端肿瘤DI相对较大。但是 ,发现DNA倍体及DI的大小与肿瘤的浸润深度相关性不大。 结论 DNA倍体类型及DI可作为Dukes’B、C期大肠癌的预后因子 ,特别是对于Dukes’B期病人 ,其术后是否需要进一步的静脉辅助化疗 ,DI可能具有重要的参考价值。
Objective To clarify the relationship between DNA ploidy, DI and clinicopathological features in colorectal cancer at Dukes'B and Dukes'C. Methods The DNA ploidy and DI were analyzed with flow cytometry and compared with the tumor anatomical sites, degrees of differentiation, depths of invasion, lymph node metastasis. In the same time, patients with aneuploid tumor were, according to DI, divided into two groups, i.e. DI≤1.4 and DI>1.4 and the clinicopathological features two groups were compared. The study was random and prospective. Results Tumors of distal colorectal, with poor differentiation, or with lymph node metastasis were more frequently aneuploid than that of proximal colorectal tumors, nighly or moderately differentiated tumors, or tumors without lymph node metastasis(P=0.001;0.033;0.044, respectively).Among the aneuploid tumors, proximal colorectal, high or moderately differentiatied and tumors with lymph node metastasis DI≤1.4 were more frequently, Obeserved DI>1.4. but tumors of distal colorectal, poor differentiation, without lymph node metastasis. were more frequently. But there the relationship between DNA ploidy,degree of DI and depth of tumor invasion were not clear. Conclusions It suggests that DNA ploidy and DI could be taken as a predictor for Colorectal cancer at Dukes'B and Dukes'C stage, especially for Dukes'B patients whose DI could provide important reference for the rationale of postoperative adjuvant therapy.
China Tropical Medicine