

Discussion about the Value and Price of Natural Resources
摘要 本文较详细地讨论了自然资源的价值与价格,提出了新的自然资源价值观。具有价值属性的自然资源一般有价值,其基本特点是:同类、同类而不同质及不同类型的资源的价值量可以相等也可以不等。自然资源的价格不是价值的货币表现。自然资源的价值与价格矛盾导致新的价值观:自然资源的价值不是自然资源财富的真正价值,它的真正价值是财富价值,而价格则是财富价值的货币表现。财富价值由把资源作为生产要素使用时产生的收益大小决定,资源作为商品在进行交换时以财富价值为基础。财富价值又可划分为两部分:损益价值和效益价值。新的价值观对于使自然资源的核算与整个国民经济核算体系紧密衔接、对于经济规律的再认识等都具有重要的意义。 The value and price of natural resources are discussed in this article, and a new concept about natural resource value proposed. Generally, the natural resources have value if they have property of value. The value characteristics of natural resources are: the same kind, the same kind that has different nature, and the different kind of resources, may have or may not have same value. The price of natural resource is not the money-value of natu- ral resource value. The price of natural resource is inconsistent with the value of natural re- sources. As a result, a new concept about natural resource value is proposed. The value of natural resources is not the real value of natural resources which are regarded as wealth. The real value of natural resources is wealth value, and the natural resource price is the money-value of the wealth value. The wealth value depends on the income resulted from natural resources used as production factors. The trading value of natural resources is based on the wealth value. Wealth value can be divided into two parts: loss value and gain value. The new concept about natural resources can connect natural resources accounting with system of National Accounting, but is also important for us to recognize economic law deeply.
出处 《河北地质学院学报》 1993年第6期614-620,共7页
关键词 自然资源 价值 价格 效益价值 Natural resources value and price wealth value loss value gain value
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