目的 观察了内服活骨胶囊、外敷抗骨坏死散对去势大鼠骨质病变模型的治疗作用。方法 采用 3月龄雌性大鼠 ,切除双侧卵巢造成骨质病变模型 ,观察两药联用对动物骨力学、骨组织形态学的影响。结果 活骨胶囊、抗骨坏死散两药联用 ,骨力学指标明显增强 ,骨钙含量、骨皮质面积明显增加 ,骨小梁面积、骨钙化面积与对照组相近。结论 活骨胶囊、抗骨坏死散两药联用可明显起到保护骨骼的作用。
Objective To study therapeutic effects of combination recipes on castrated female rats with osteoporosis.Methods Female rats aged 3 months were used to be an animal model of osteoporosis caused by castrated bilateral ovaries. And then after one week, “activating-bone capsule”,and “anti-osteonecrosis powder” combination of both recipes was administrated, respectively to observe parameters of bone mechanics,bone morphology, inorganic element, hormone and weight of uterus in female rats.Results The results demonstrated that “activating-bone capsule” and “anti-osteonecrosis powder” and combination of both recipes could obviously protect bone, such as parameters of bone mechanics strengthened, the concentration of bone calcium and area of bone cortex significantly increased. The area of bone trabecula, and bone calcification was equivalent to model control group.Conclusion The results demonstrated that “activating-bone capsule” and “anti-osteonecrosis powder” and combination of both recipes could obviously protect bone.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis