本文分析了3Cr2W8V 钢制气门模具的主要失效形式。型腔不耐磨及微量塑性变形是模具使用寿命低的根本原因,在保证基体强度和韧性的条件下,采用方法简便的盐浴软氮化处理,可有效地提高耐磨性,其使用寿命提高1.1~1.9倍。本文还分析了此种方法处理后的性能、特点及该方法的应用前景。
The main failure form of valve dies made of steel 3Cr2W8V is analysed in this pa- per.The short service lifetime of dies is mainly due to tiny plastic deformation of die cav- ity and poor surface wear resistance,which can be effectively improved by tufftriding, which under conditions of ensuring strength and toughness of matrix,increases the ser- vice lifetime by a factor of 1.1~1.9.The properties and characteristics of dies treated by tufftriding,and its prospect of using for die serfacce treatment is also discussed.