We present the simulation results of the net charge fluctuation in Au+Au collisions at /Snn=130 GeV froma dynamic model, JPCIAE, and its revisions. The simulations are done for the quark-gluon matter, the directly producedpions, the pion matter, and the hadron matter. The simulated net charge fluctuation of the quark-gluon matter is closeto the thermal model prediction for the quark-gluon gas. However, the discrepancy exists comparing the simulated netcharge fluctuation for directly produced pions and the pion matter with the thermal model prediction for pion gas andthe resonance pion gas, respectively. The net charge fluctuation of hadron matter from default JPCIAE simulations isnearly 3.5 times larger than quark-gluon matter. A discussion is given for the net charge fluctuation as an evidence ofQGP phase transition.