文章在分析了我国药品营销模式的基础上 ,对药品营销模式改革提出了新的思考。指出医药分业是改革营销模式的关键 ,培养执业药师是营销模式改革的基础 ,打破条块分割、克服地方保护主义是改革营销模式的前提 ,规模化、规范化、集约化发展是营销模式改革的目标。
After current medicine marketing mode is analysed,the new reformation subject for medicine marketing mode is put forward in this article.It is pointed out that the key of the reformation of marketing mode is the separation of hospital and pharmacy;the foundation of the reformation of mar-keting mode is the training of professional phannaceutist;the premise of reformation of marketing mode is the breaking of department range and the refusing of location protectionism;and the object of the reformation of marketing mode is scope,standardization and intension.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education