设立社团的基本权利 ,是结社自由的重要内容。设立社团法人的权利 ,是结社自由的很重要的一方面。同样重要的是 ,社团有保持非法人组织形式的权利 ,无须为取得合法性而登记。有利的法律环境不仅允许非法人 (或不登记 )非营利组织的存在 ,还提供一定程度的法律保护这类组织。 1 989年《社会团体登记管理条例》承认非法人社会团体的合法地位。 1 998年条例禁止非法人社团的存在。本文试图在对 1 989年条例中的非法人社团制度反思、考察德国无权利能力社团和美国非营利非法人社团的法律规则基础上 ,探讨未登记社会团体在转型中国的地位以及建立结社自由理念下的我国非法人社团制度之障碍。
The right to set up social organizations is one of the important contents of the freedom of association and the right to establish corporations is a very important aspect of the freedom of association. Of equal importance is the right of an association to remain unincorporated and unregistered without being considered as illegal. Unincorporated associations were recognized as legal under the 1989 Regulations on Registration and Administration of Social Organizations but was prohibited under the revised Regulations in 1998. The paper examines the provisions on non-incorporate associations in the 1989 Regulations, compares the provisions on unregistered associations in Germany and unincorporated nonprofit organizations in the US, analyzes the status of unregistered associations under the current Chinese legal framework, and explores the possibility of establishing a viable system of non-corporate associations.
Global Law Review