英国资产阶级革命与李自成起义几乎同时发生 ,由于它们发生的背景不同 ,导致其性质不同 ,影响也相去甚远。作为全新的资产阶级革命 ,它使英国此后便走上了发展资本主义的道路 ,迅速崛起 ;而作为传统的农民战争 ,李自成起义并没能促使中国社会发生根本性变化 ,中国依然在封建社会里沉沦。
The British bourgeois revolution and Li Zicheng's uprising broke out nearly simultaneously.But,owing to their different backgrounds,their natures were not the same and their influences differed widely.As a completely new bourgeois revolution, the British one made Britain take the road to the development of capitalism and rise rapidly.As a traditional peasant war,the Li Zicheng's uprising did not make Chinese society change radically and China still sand into a feudal sociey.
Journal of Xinjiang Education Institute