目的 应用国产Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗膜部室间隔缺损 (PMVSD)并对近期疗效进行观察。方法 14例PMVSD患者均经胸心脏超声确诊 ,术中经左心室造影明确缺损直径为 4~ 9mm ,平均 5 6mm ,经左心系统 ,室间隔缺损处 ,右心系统建立导丝轨道 ,沿导丝经输送鞘送直径 5~ 15mm(平均 7 5mm)的Amplatzer封堵器 ;术后 72h行经胸心脏超声检查观察疗效。结果 全组技术成功率 10 0 % ,术中未发生任何重要的并发症。全部患者封堵后无残余分流 ,术后即刻封堵率 10 0 %。术后 72h经胸心脏超声检查无残余分流。 2例患者术后出现一过性交界性心动过速 ,1例出现发热 ,3d后正常。结论 国产Amplatzer封堵器介入治疗膜部室间隔缺损是一种成功率高 ,近期疗效可靠的治疗措施 ,其远期疗效尚需进一步观察。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of transcatheter closure of perimenbrane ventricular septal defect (PMVSD) using Amplatzer occluder device.Methods Fourteen patients with a mean age of 7.5 years (ranging from 1.5 to 14 years),were each treated with Amplatzer occluder device through the percutaneous procedure under fluoroscopy, angiography and TTE. The TTE was perfoemed 72 h after the procedure to evaluate the therapeutic effect.Results The success rate was 100%, and no complications occurred during the procedure. The mean diameter of the VSD s was 5.6 mm (ranging from 4 to 9 mm) .The mean diameter of the occluder selected was 7.5 mm (ranging from 5 to15 mm) .No residual shunts were found in the 14 cases 72 h after the procedure. Conclusion Transcatheter closure of perimenbrane ventricular septal defect using the homemade Amplatzer occluder device is an efficient method for patients with PMVSD. The operation is simple with a high success rate of placement and a good occlusion effect.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui