企业信息化建设是企业发展的重要方向 ,实现企业内部信息化的解决方案是企业资源计划 (EnterpriseResourcePlanning)简称ERP ,而随着互联网经济的到来 ,电子商务将成为一种全新的贸易方式。为此 ,应对电子商务和ERP的关系 ,电子商务对ERP的作用 ,ERP对电子商务建设的影响以及电子商务与ERP的整合等问题进行深入探讨。
Information-building in the enterprise is an important orientation of its development and this result can be solved by ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning).With the advent of interconnected economy,E-commerce will become an entirely new kind of trading. This text discusses the relationship between E-commerce and ERP,the function on ERP of e-commerce, the impact on e-commerce construction of the ERP and the integration of e-commerce and ERP.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
北京市科技计划项目 (H0 3 0 13 0 0 40 5 90 )