在拼音的汉字输入法中 ,中文姓名输入是一个难点。本文分析了几种常见的输入法 ,提出了中文姓名输入应作特殊处理的设计思想 ,为了验证其可行性 ,我们在一定规模的姓名资料库的基础上 ,分析了中文姓名的构造特征和用字频率 ,设计了一个输入中文姓名的测试程序。利用这个程序 。
The input of Chinese names is a difficult point in the Input Mode of Chinese characters based on pinyin. This paper analyses the few commonly used modes of input, and presents a design for the special treatment of the input of Chinese names. To test its practicality, we have analyzed the characteristics of the structuring of Chinese names and frequency of their usage, basing our work on the data base of names on a substantial scale. A testing program of inputting Chinese names is designed, the employment of which has greatly increased the rate of successful primary selection of the input of Chinese names.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
mode of input
Chinese name