胆道引流和支撑是胆道手术的重要组成部分。近年来胆道引流支撑管 (架 )使用的生物材料日趋多样化 ,相关的生物学基础研究成果颇丰。非金属材料研究的主要进展包括硅橡胶自身影像学相容性的探索、硅橡胶表面化学修饰的生物学效应、可降解吸收支架材料的研制 ;金属材料研究的焦点集中于对镍、钛和镍钛合金的细胞毒性、基因毒性、组织毒性的生物相容性评价 。
To implant a drain tube or stent into bile tract during operation plays an important role in biliary surgery. In recent years, a variety of biomaterials have been employed in this procedure and scored manifold results in biological basic research. The progresses in nonmetallic biomaterials mainly included exploring the image compatibility of silicone itself, investigating bilolgical effects of silastic surface chemical modification, and preparing new bioabsorbable biliary stents. The focus of studyies on metallic ones was on the biocompatibility evaluations of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and histo to xicity of nickel, titanium and Ni-Ti alloy, as well as the influence of on biocompatibility and hemocompatibility of Ni-Ti shape memory surgical alloy.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates