目的 探讨术前护理干预对腹部手术后的作用。方法 对 6 4例腹部手术患者随机分成干预组和对照组 ,在年龄、文化程度、心理素质 ,经济状况、术后诊断等基本相同的情况下 ,将两组病人对疼痛的耐受性、术后下床活动时间及术后肛门排气时间对比研究。结果 各项指标均有明显差异 ,(P <0 .0 0 5 )。结论 术前护理干预对腹部术后患者有着较大的影响 ,减轻了病人的痛苦 ,有利于促进手术后的康复 ,预防术后并发症的发生。
objective To study the effect of nursing interference before the abdominal operation Methods 64cases undergoing abdominal operations were randomly divided into interfering group and control group. To compare and study the tolerance on pain, act time after operation and time of discharging wast air from anus of the two groups of people, on the cnadition of the same age, education degree; psychological characteristic, economic conditions and diagnosis after the operation.Results By statistical analysis ,the results with all the items are remarkable significance. (P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention ahead of the operation has a significant influence to the patients undergoing abdominal operating,renef the Patients' suftering also have benefit to improve the recovery to the operating patients, in the mean while avoid associated syndrom to the operating patients.
Journal of Heze Medical College
abdomen/surgical operation Nursary