文章概述了对由IBC负责起草的“生命伦理学普适规范宣言”的不同的宗教和道德观点。在联合国教科文组织国际生命伦理学委员会第十一次会议 (法国巴黎 ,2 0 0 4年 8月 2 3 -2 4日 )上 ,由分别来自佛教、儒家、印度教、伊斯兰教、犹太教和天主教的代表发表了这些观点。文章评述了这个生命伦理学宣言产生的过程 ,其对世界上截然不同、不同通约的宗教和道德观点必定是敏感的。文章主张 ,具有不同道德传统的生命伦理学家 ,而不是生物医学科学家 。
This paper summarizes different religious and moral views on the 'Declaration on Universal Norms on Bioethics' drafted by the IBC of UNESCO. These views were presented at the Eleventh Session of the IBC of UNESCO in Paris, France 23-24 August 2004 by six representatives respectively from the Buddhist, Confucian, Hinduist, Islamic, Judaist, and Roman Catholic traditions. The paper argues that the process of working out a bioethical declaration such as this one must be sensitive to distinct and incommensurable spiritual and moral perspectives in the world. It also contends that bioethicists from different moral traditions, not biomedical scientists, should play a significant role in formulating possible bioethical norms for international application.
Medicine and Philosophy