基于FPGA和ARM核处理器的通讯终端与外围设备的硬件接口以S3C4510B为控制核心。终通讯端采用PCM、ARM-DSP、OLED及KEY模块逻辑电路设计,并用ALTERA 1K30扩展和简化S3C4510B外设接口电路及与PCM编码器的接口电路。通过1K30的内部逻辑电路提供控制信号、键盘行列扫描信号、PCM语音编码的时钟信号和各数据交换通道,完成语音数据的串并转换功能。
S3C4510B is used as control core in hardware interface between communication terminal and peripheral equipment based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and ARM core processor. Communication terminal was designed with PCM, ARM-DSP, OLED and logic circuit of KEY model, and interface circuits of peripheral equipment of S3C4510B and PCM coder were expanded and simplified with ALTERA 1K30. Control signal, scanning signal of keyboard, clock signal of PCM voice coding and all sorts of data interchange channel were supplied and the serial-parallel switching of voice data of PCM was realized through inside logic circuit of 1K30.
Ordnance Industry Automation