童年是美好的 ,缺乏母爱的童年是苦涩的。在与现代文明交替的乡土社会 ,依然存在着对自我生存状态和自我命运的无知。在毕飞宇小说《哺乳期的女人》中 ,缺乏母爱的孩子旺旺的艰辛和寂苦 。
Childhood is happy,but the childhood without mother love is miserable. There is still ignorance of self-existence and self-destiny in rural society from the modern civilization. Children without mother love in the novel Women of Lactation by Bi Feiyu, suffer a great deal, from which we can sense holiness and greatness of mother love.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Social Science Edition)