目的 评价树脂型氟离子缓释正畸粘接剂的粘接性能 ,比较树脂型氟离子缓释正畸粘接剂 (FRA)和目前临床常用的两种正畸粘接剂的抗张粘接强度和抗剪粘接强度。方法 分别用 3种粘接剂在牛牙釉质上粘接金属托槽 ,在离体实验条件下 ,测试其抗张粘接强度和抗剪粘接强度并进行比较。结果 3种粘接剂之间抗张粘接强度和抗剪粘接强度均没有统计学差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,且在 3个月的时间内 ,FRA中氟离子的释放没有对FRA的粘接强度产生不利的影响。结论 FRA可以达到临床使用的粘接强度要求。
Objective To evaluate the adhesive efficacy of fluoride releasing adhesive (FRA) and compare the tensile and shear strength of FRA to that of other two types of ordinary orthodontic adhesives. Methods The tensile and shear strength of three kinds of adhesives between bovine enamel and metal brackets were determined respectively in vitro. Results The tensile and shear strengths of three kinds of adhesives were not different statistically (P>0.05). Furthermore, the release of fluorin ion did not have adverse effect on the adhesive strength of FRA within three months. Conclusion FRA can meet the clinical adhesive require and the fluoride releasing has no negative effect on its adhesive strength in 3 months.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment