急性高山病和高原脑水肿是高原病常见而且严重的脑部综合征 ,与上升的速度、高度及个体易感性有关 ,但确切的病理生理机制仍然不清楚 ,脑脊液酸碱失衡、血 -脑屏障渗透性改变、脑水肿导致颅内压增高在其发病中可能起了一定的作用 ,逐渐上升是预防该病的最佳策略 。
Acute mountain sickness(AMS) and high altitude cerebral edema(HACE) are common and severe cerebral syndromes of high altitude illness,the mainly risk factors are rate of ascent, altitude reached and individual susceptibility, but exact pathophysiological mechanism causing AMS and HACE is unknown. Increased intracranial pressure caused by acid base disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid, altered permeability of the blood brain barrier and cerebral edema may play a role in these syndromes.Gradual ascent is the strategy for preventing AMS and HACE. In some situations, either drugs or descent immediately are more effective.
Foreign Medical Sciences:Section of Medgeography