目的 :研究乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结转移的声像图与声学造影特征。方法 :分析24例乳腺癌腋窝恶性淋巴结的声像图表现与4例恶性淋巴结超声造影曲线形态的变化。结果 :24例乳腺癌超声检出腋窝恶性淋巴结39枚 ,淋巴结长径均≥7mm ,L/T<217例 ,占70.8% ,淋巴结中央线状强回声消失或变窄20例 ,占83.3% ,单发13例 ,占54.1% ,多发11例 ,占45.9% ,分散分布5例 ,融合6例 ,血流参数RI>0.618例 ,占75% ,4例恶性淋巴结超声造影后 ,时间 -强度曲线均呈快上慢下型改变 ,上升支陡直 ,下降支缓慢 ,单向斜型向下 ,峰值时间平均20秒 ,峰值强度平均0.1994。结论 :腋窝肿大淋巴结结构的超声声像改变结合淋巴结超声造影 ,能够提高淋巴结定性诊断的准确性 ,能为临床治疗方案的选择提供有力依据。
Objective:To study the ultrasonographic and acoustic contrast features of axillary lymphatic metastasis of breast cancer.Methods:To analysis ultrasonographic features of 24 cases and acoustic contrast graphic changes of 4 cases.Results:39 axillary lymphatic metastasis of 24 breast cancer patients were examined,all malignant lymph nodes'length diameter were ≥7mm,17 of 24 paitents were L/T<2,the percentage was 70.8%;The central line-like hyperechoic of lymph nodes disappeared or shrinked in 20 cases,83.3%;RI>0.6 in 8 cases,75%;After acoustic contrast,time-intensity graph of axillary lymph nodes of 4 cases all appeared quick-up and slow-down style,the peak-average time was 20s,the peak-average intensity was 0.1994.Conclusion:Ultrasongraphic features of axillary lymph nodes,combined with lymph nodes acoustic contrast can improve the accuracy of lymph nodes quanlified diagnosis,contribute to guide the clinical treatment.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health