目的 分析 1991~ 2 0 0 2年全市肾综合出血热 (HFRS)流行特征及采取疫苗预防为主的综合措施效果 ,为HFRS综合防治提供依据。 方法 对全市 1991~ 2 0 0 2年HFRS疫情、监测资料及防制措施资料进行分析研究。 结果12年间全市共发生HFRS 63 4例 ,年均发病率为 14 .66/10万 ,2 0~ 5 5岁青壮年占 78.65 % ,农民占 85 .71% ,一年四季均有发病 ,冬春季升高 ,属野鼠型疫区。采取以灭鼠、疫苗接种为主导措施前后发病率分别为 3 0 .41/10万和 6.78/10万。 结论 疫苗接种与灭鼠是控制HFRS的主要有效措施。
Objective To analyse the epidemiologic trend and characteristics of HFRS and the control effect by vaccination from 1991 to 2002,provide a basis for HFRS prevention and surveillance Methods Analyze and study the epidemic situation of HFRS and the effect of vaccination Result There are 634 cases of HFRS in 12 years. The average incidence rate is 14 66/10 5. 78.65% of which are aged from 20 to 55. The peasant cases account for 85.71%. The peak months are November, December, January and February. The host is A.agrarius. Before vaccination (1991~1994), the average incidence rate is 25.74/10 5, and after vaccination (1995~2002), the average incidence rate is 67 8/10 5. Conclusion Vaccination and rats killing are the most effective measures for HFRS control.
Practical Preventive Medicine