目的:评价干燥综合征肺部病变的HRCT表现。材料和方法 :分析52例干燥综合征的肺HRCT图像 ,观察病变HRCT分型、病变分布特点、原发性干燥综合征与继发性干燥综合征肺病变的不同形态特点。结果 :干燥综合征肺部病变的HRCT分型为肺间质增生型32例 (61.1 % ) ,多发肺气囊型12例 (23.5% ) ,及细支气管炎型8例(15.4 % ) ;病变分布有上肺野 (11.5% )、中肺野 (23.0 % )至下肺野 (30.8 % )逐渐加重的特点 ,且外周分布(65.4 % )为主。原发性干燥综合征与继发性干燥综合征肺病变HRCT分型的构成不同 (χ2=7.74 ,P<0.05) ,间质纤维化程度不同 (χ2=3.91,P<0.05)。结论 :干燥综合征肺病变HRCT表现与分型具有一定特点,有助于临床诊断。
Purpose:To evaluate the HRCT manifestations of pulmonary involvement in Sj⒐gren's syndrome.Mat_ erials and Methods:52patients with Sj⒐gren's syndrome were analyzed with HRCT images to describe the HRCT patterns,lesion distribution and differentiation between primary Sj⒐gren's syndrome and secˉondary Sj⒐gren's syndrome.Results:The HRCT patterns were interstitial proliferation pattern(61.1%),multiple cystic airspaces pattern(23.5%)and brochiolitis pattern(15.4%),respectively.The lesion distribution become heavier from upper lung field(11.5%),middle lung field(23.0%)to the lung bases(30.8%),and mostly peripheral(65.4%).There was significant difference between primary Sj⒐gren's syndrome and secondary Sj⒐gren's syndrome in HRCT patterns(χ 2 =7.74,P<0.05)and pulˉmonary fibrosis(χ 2 =3.91,P<0.05).Conclusion:There are some valuable features in HRCT manifestaˉtions and HRCT patterns in Sj⒐gren's syndrome.which contribute to the clinical diagnosis.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging