通过文献资料法、统计分析法、Delphi调查法、综合归纳法等研究太极拳锻炼对心血管机能和血流流变学的影响 ,结果表明 :长期坚持太极拳锻炼可以增强心泵机能 ,保持血管弹性 ,增加免疫球蛋白含量 ,提高心血管调节能力 ,促进微循环改善 ,从而延缓心血管机能的老化 ,对防治心血管疾病 ,强身健体 。
Using documental information,analytic statistic method,Delphi investigation method,synthetic inductive method,the writer conducted an investigation into the influence that Taijiquan exercises have on cardiovascular and Blood Rheology.The findings show that persisting in Taijiquan exercises will improve cardiovascular function,maintain vascular elasticity,increase the amount of immunoglobulin,and also improve the regular ability of cardiovascular,microcirculation and Blood Rheology,so that aging process of cardiovascular function can be deferred,cardiovascular diseases can be prevented,and people can prolong their lives.
Sports Science Research