目的 探讨胎盘滋养细胞E 钙黏附素 (E Cadherin)的异常表达在妊娠期高血压疾病发病中的作用。方法 收集 2 0 0 0年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 11月新疆医科大学附一院 4 0例妊娠期高血压疾病 (研究组 )和 4 3例正常妊娠孕妇 (对照组 )的胎盘组织 ,采用免疫组化法测定两组胎盘组织E 钙黏附素的表达 ,分析其表达异同。结果 研究组胎盘E 钙黏附素的表达明显高于对照组 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1)。结论 (1)胎盘组织E 钙黏附素的异常表达导致胎盘浅着床 ,可能是妊娠期高血压疾病发病的始发原因之一。 (2 )E 钙黏附素的异常表达与妊娠期高血压疾病不良妊娠结局有关。
Objective To investigate the expression of E-Cadherin in placenta in hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and study its roles in this disease. Methods Monoclonal mouse anti-E-Cadherin and immuno-histochemistry were used to detec t the expression of E-Cadherin in 40 placental samples with hypertensive disord er complicating pregnancy and 43 normal ones.Results The expression of E-Cadherin was higher in hypertensive disorder c omplicating pregnancy group than that of control group. Conclusion (1)The abnormal expression of E-Cadherin in placenta may relate to superficia l inbe d of placenta,which is one of the reasons of hypertensive disorder complicating pre gnancy;(2)The poor placental function is related to the abnormal expression of E-Cadherin.
Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics