目的 :芬太尼 +异丙酚和利多卡因用于无痛人流的对比。方法 :将年龄 2 0~ 4 0岁 ,要求人工流产的早孕妇女随机分为两组 ,Ⅰ组 60例为芬太尼 +异丙酚组 ,Ⅱ组 60例为利多卡因组。Ⅰ组采用芬太尼 +异丙酚静脉麻醉后人工流产 ,Ⅱ组采用宫颈局部注射利多卡因麻醉。两组各项指标进行对比。结果 :两组出血量 ,宫颈松驰度 ,无显著差异。芬太尼 +异丙酚能完全镇痛 ,无人流综合症发生 ,无明显毒副作用。结论 :利多卡因组不能达到完全镇痛的目的。芬太尼 +异丙酚用于人工流产简便易行 ,镇疼确切 ,是真正意义上的无痛人流 。
Objective : To compare the result of combining using fentanyl and propofol, and using lidocaine in induced abortion . Method: 120 women those who got in primary pregnancy and wanted to be performed induced abortion were randomly divided into two groups. The group I including 60 women were performed induced abortion after i.v. with fentanyl and propofol. The group II including 60 women were performed induced abortion after injecting in cervix uteri with lidocaine. To compare every items of these two groups. Result: There was no significant difference in bleeding volume and the flaccid degree of cervix uteri between the two groups. It was absolute analgesia in group I, and there was no evident toxic reaction and no one getting ASSA in group I .Conclusion: It can not attain the purpose of absolute analgesia with lidocaine. Combining using fentanyl and propofol in induced abortion is simple, and the analgesic effect is satisfied.
Hebei Medicine