通过转换运动学初始条件的提法 ,提出了按极限传动角也可以设计曲柄摇杆机构的思想。此类机构的设计既可以用手工绘图或AutoCAD工具由图解法加以实现 ,也可以用计算机由解析法完成。最后用实例对设计进行了说明。方法简明实用 。
The idea of designing a crank and rocker mechanism based on the two limit positions of the transmission angle is put forward after the initial conditions of kinematics is transferred as the other form. The graphic method of designing a crank and rocker mechanism with a quick-return property be realized by AutoCAD tool of computer aided draw. The analysizing method is some done. Finally, the explanation of design is done for an example.
Modern Machinery