水电厂运行中 ,发电机的冷却技术是发电机安全可靠运行的重要保证 ,文章对水轮发电机空气冷却、水冷却、蒸发冷却 3种不同冷却方式的原理及技术特点作了简要的论述 ,指出了其优缺点 ,为以后水轮发电机冷却技术提供了参考意见。
The cooling technique of generator is important to ensure the generator safe and reliable running in hydaulic power plant. The paper discusses three different cooling manners, including air, water and evaporation cooling, and points out its merit and shortcoming, in order to offer the reference suggestions for the cooling technique of hydraulic trubogenerator afterwards.
Qinghai Electric Power