目的 测定R型富马酸托特罗定中的S型异构体。方法 采用 6 8cmⅹ 5 0 μm的毛细管 ,以含 0 0 1mol·L-1羟丙基环糊精的三羟甲基氨基甲烷溶液 (磷酸调pH 2 5 )为缓冲液 ,运行电压为 30kV ,毛细管温度 15℃ ,检测波长 2 0 4nm ,压力进样 10 0mbar·s-1。结果 最低检出浓度 0 0 12mol·L-1,平均加样回收率为 10 1 2 9% ,RSD =1 5 % (n =6 )。结论 毛细管电泳法用于测定R型富马酸托特罗定中的S型异构体 ,方法简便快捷 ,灵敏度高 。
OBJIECTIVE To establised a method for the determination of S-enantisomer in Tolterodine fumarate by capillary zone electrophoresis.METHOD The total length of fused-silica capillary tube was 68 cm. The length from the inlet to the detector was 60 cm,and the internal diameter was 50 μm. A run voltage of 30 was applied and the temperature was set at 15℃. Samples were introduced into the capillary using pressure (100 mbar·s -1) and UV detection was performed at 204 nm.RESULTS The average recovery of S-enantisomer was 101.29% with RSD of 1.51%(n=9).CONCLUSION Capilary eletrophoresis method is simple, rapid and sensitive with good repriducibility in determination of Tolterodine fumarate.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences