目的 分析涂阳肺结核病人的化疗效果。方法 采用两阶段全程间歇的短程化疗方案 ,对初复治涂阳病人实施全程督导管理 ,完成疗程后判定疗效。结果 3317例初治涂阳病例完成疗程后的治愈率达 97.71% ;6 5 4例复治涂阳病例的治愈率为 84 .10 %。效果令人满意。结论 合理的化疗方案 ,全面落实全程督导管理 ,切实保证病人规则服药 ,是提高治愈率的关键。
Objective To analyze the treatment effects of smear-positive cases with pulmonary tuberculosis.Methods Smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis was treated with the short-course chemotherapy regimens,which was confirmed effective after the treatment.Results The cure rate of 3317 cases after the initial treatment was 97.71%, and the cure rate of 654 cases after the re-treatment was 84.10%.Conclusion In order to improve the effectiveness of the chemotherapy, optimal chemotherapy regimens must be adopted and DOTS must be implemented
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine