目的 了解二格式粪便处理池对沉降寄生虫卵和其它无害化效果。方法 现场勘察二格式处理池的建造是否符合无害化处理要求 ,对一、二池采集样品 ,实验室检测寄生虫卵沉降率、粪大肠菌值、氨氮与化学需氧量的值 ,观察寄生虫卵沉降和粪大肠菌值降解情况。结果 调查 16只二格式处理池 ,内部有的构造不符合无害化要求 ,第二池仅有 1只被检出有寄生虫卵 ,粪大肠菌值第二池有 6只不符合无害化要求 ,占 37.5 %。结论 二格式处理池暂不能全面推广 ,但在经济相对落后的农村或暂不准备翻建新房的农户仍可被采用 。
Objective To understand the e ff ectiveness of parasite ova sediment and non-hazardous treatment of two-grille la trines. Methods Two-grille latrines were recon n oitered in the field according to the non-hazardous treatment criteria, and th e sediment of parasite ova, the value of fecal coliform bacteria, NH 3-N, CODcr of the samples from the Grille 1 and Grille 2 of latrines were detected.Results The structure of some two-grille latrines was n o t in accord with the non-hazardous treatment criteria.Parasite ova were detecte d from the Grille 2 of one latrine. Six of 16 latrines were not eligible for non -ha zardous treatment according to the value of fecal coliform bacteria in Grille 2. Conclusion It is not suggested to popularize th e two-grille latrine yet, but it can be used as an interim form for excrement n on-hazardous treatment in rural areas. [
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
江苏省卫生厅资助项目 ( ID:X2 0 0 3 3 4)