目的 观察 45例 SARS患者的临床胸部影像。方法 回顾分析 SARS 患者的临床影像学资料,胸片126张。结果 SARS的早期胸部影像表现为小范围、浅淡的毛玻璃样肺实质密度增高,病变快速进展,高峰期 64%影像表现为双侧或单侧多叶、多段的肺实质浸润。结论 胸部影像异常是 SARS诊断的重要指标,系列 X线平片可以随时反映 SARS的病情变化,指导治疗并提示预后。
Objective To analyze the clinical images of patients with SARS by chest radiograph. Methods Thoracic images was examined in 45 patients with SARS, including 126 chest X-ray films of the patients. Results The typical signs of SARS are multifocal air-space consolidation in early phase of the disease, and progress rapidly from small opacification to extensive opacity indicating severe inflammatory infiltrates. Conclusion Thoracic Xray-film was necessary for diagnosis of SARS. 〔
Shenzhen Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine