目的 了解哈尔滨地区不孕妇女解脲支原体、人型支原体感染状况及其药物敏感情况。方法 对 14 6例不孕妇女进行解脲支原体、人型支原体培养及其药物敏感性试验。结果 不孕妇女解脲支原体阳性率 33.5 6 %、人型支原体阳性率 18.4 9%。而对照组则分别为 17 30 %和 5 77% ,其对交沙霉素、强力霉素、四环素敏感性强 ,敏感率分别为 98.6 8%、98.6 5 %、92 .75 %。结论 不孕妇女生殖道支原体感染率高 ,对多种抗生素耐药 。
Objective: To study the sterile woman infected by Uu and Mh and their sensitivity to drugs in Harbin. Methods: To culture Uu and Mh and test the sensitivity of them to the selected drugs in 146 sterile woman. Results: The positively infected rate of Uu and Mh is respectively 33.56% and 18.49%, the condrol is 17.30% and 5.77% respectiviely and both of them are very sensible to Josamycin, Doxycycline and Tetracycline, with the respective sensitivities of 98.68%, 98.65% and 92.75% . Conclusions: The genital tracts of sterile women are highly infected by Uu and Mh, which resist to many kinds of antibiotics, it is necessary to make Uu and Mh culture and relative sensitivity test.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity