一百年来各种不同类型的儒学研究均认同《论语》的思想 ,因此《论语》宜于成为今日儒学各派求同存异的基础。为了强调《论语》的基本性和普适性 ,有必要首先区分由儒学 (四书五经和宋明理学 )与仁学 (孔孟原始思想 )所分别代表的两个不同“学科对象”。仁学对象和儒学对象的区隔 ,或仁学从儒学中的分离 ,还可有助于孔子伦理学思想和现代社会 -学术 -思想的实际“接轨” ,以使作为纯伦理学思想的仁学得以有效参与世界范围内的学术思想理论交流。仁学除了作为孔孟学之原始对象外 ,经合理的现代化解释后 ,还可以作为人类普适的现世伦理理想模型而推广于世界。儒学是一种特殊的民族历史经验 。
The traditional term“Ru Xue”(Ru-Learning or Confuc ia nist scholarship)consists of several parts which differ from each other in cons titution and function. For the modern scholar these parts should be taken as two different“objects”of modern research or scientific f ields.The original Confucian thought is recommended by the author as an indepen dent subject of ethics in separation from the later fields of Ru Xue that in cludes multiple aspects such as socio-political,historiographic,philosophical, and religious.Taken as a separate modern discipline,the original Confucian th ought can be named as“Ren Xue”to stress its ethical autonomy.In contrast with the synthetic composition of Ru Xue,Ren Xue is a purely ethical system that c an be more effectively and productively communicated with other ethical thoughts of modern world.
Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College
Ren Xue(Original Confucian) Confucianist sch olarship Ren(benevolence)