“仁爱生命”的道德观理念是中国传统人文理念尤其是儒家学派人文理念的重要组成部分 ,这种人文理念充满了高尚的道德情怀、博大的生命境界 ,是建构现代生态伦理可资借鉴的良好文化资源。对生命的“仁爱”这种道德情怀同对万物的“敬畏”这种宗教情怀一样 ,它都能引发人们对生命 ,对万物 ,对自然的一种心灵关怀 ,一种行为庇护。建构现代合理的生态伦理 ,需要寻找和获得这种人文理念作为深层次之文化动力的广泛支持。
The morality of benevolence to life is an important es sence of the Chinese traditional humanity ideals,especially that of Confucianist scholarship,and such ideal is the sound cultural resource referent for the cons truction of modern bioethics.Just as the religious feelings of fear to created,t he moral feelings of benevolence to life can arouse the care and protection to t he life,the created and the nature.To construction a rational bioethics,the role of this humanity ideals as the culture motive is needed.
Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College