从城市的可持续发展和建立循环经济社会框架的需求出发 ,阐述了城市政府建立环境管理体系的必要性和意义 ;并分别从构筑沟通、监督、服务、链接四大平台 ,提高政府对突发事故的应急能力。建立循环经济社会框架 ,提高招商引资的竞争力和培养全员环境保护意识从五个方面分析论证了建立环境管理体系可以取得的环境绩效 ,最终做到规范政府管理 ,实现环境与经济 。
As far as the needs are concerned of sustainable development and of establishment of social framework for recycling economy, the necessity and importance are exposited to set up EMS by municipal government in this article. And from the 5 aspects of building 4 platforms of communication, supervision, service and linking, etc; raise of governmental capability to respond to and deal with emergencies; establishment of social framework for recycling economy; increase to the competitiveness of business invitation & capital introduction; and to foster environmental protection consciousness within the whole population, the achievable environmental performance by establishment of EMS is argued separately. Finally, what are proved in this article are the standardized governmental administration, balanced mutual development of environment with economy and society.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology