为了提高部队模拟训练水平 ,本文基于对战场环境的可视化分析 ,在VisualC + +环境下 ,以通用标准三维图形函数库OpenGL为工具开发了一个虚拟战场环境漫游系统 ,仿真了作战真实感的虚拟现场 .文中介绍了如何解决虚拟战场环境仿真应用中的一些关键技术 ,如战场场景的建模 ,战斗实体的绘制及运动控制 。
In order to improve the simulation training level of the army,this paper presents an approach to develop a walkthrough system of virtual battlefield environment based on analysis of visualization by means of OpenGL.The walkthrough system is developed by Visual C++.With OpenGL,the common international three_dimensional graphic standard,visiual scene of realistic battlefield environment is simulated.This paper introduces some methods of how to solve simulation problem of virtual battlefield environment,including techniques about establishing model of battlefield scene,drawing and movement controlling of 3D model and implementing view_point roam.
Journal of Xi'an Institute of Technology
兵科院"十五"科研项目 (4 0 40 40 70 1 0 2 )